The Canons

C.E Primary School

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Year 3 2024/2025

Welcome to year 3!


Our year 3 teachers are:


Mozart - Miss Dreher (Teacher), Mrs Ainslie (TA), Jackie Green (TA) and Tina Dawson (TA)

Vivaldi - Miss Boyle (Teacher) and Mrs Croft (TA)

Beethovan - Miss Brown (Teacher), Mrs Ward (TA) and Mrs Marrs-Williams (TA)


Autumn term:


We are Geographers! (term 1) and Amazon Adventures (term 2)

During the term we will focus on Geography, History and Science and will be learning about the unique features of a rainforest, including the location of South America. In Autumn 1, the first part of our Geography work, we explore urbanisation and how the population continues to grow in our local town. Children will explore the local area, identifying facilities that they feel make it a great place to settle.

In Science, we explore the huge variety of plants that grow in the rainforests and how some of these still feed us today! We will learn about The Mayan Civilisation during our History lessons as well as understanding the importance of Black History month.  We will explore and write a variety of different text types during this topic, including poetry, story writing and a non-chronological report. 


We will learn about Diet and Nutrition during a stand alone unit. Children will learn more about how a broad and balanced diet is vital to sustain a healthy lifestyle. 


In Maths for Autumn term 1, we focus on our Number and Place Value skills, Counting and Addition and Subtraction.

Then, in Autumn term 2, we cover Multiplication, Division and Fractions, as well as recap and reviewing all previous learning.


In RE, we begin with our Unit of Creation. Children discuss achievements they are proud of and then look at how God was proud of what He created for us. We look at the story of 'The Fall' and how Adam and Eve disobeyed God's rules, the children then use this learning to understand why God gave us The Ten Commandments to help guide Christians.


We move on to our Incarnation Unit and how God is shown in 3 different ways (The Trinity). Children discuss the importance of water to Christians and why this is used in Baptism and Christenings. We look at different types of prayer and how they are used in service.


Children explore what it is like to be a Humanist and compare their beliefs to that of Jews and Christians. Thy look at the golden rules and morals that we carry and the important message of 'treating people the way we wish to be treated'.


Spring Term:


The Stone Age/Fascinating Fossils

During this topic we will focus on Science and History topics and will be exploring what life was like during The Stone Age, paying particular attention to Skara Brae and Sonehenge.  We will also look at where The Stone Age fits into the timeline of British History, comparing this to The Mayans. The children will learn how fossils are formed and the different types of rocks during our Science Unit. The children learn about Mary Anning and her achievements as a paleontologist.

We will explore and write a variety of different text types during this topic, including biographies, poetry, instruction writing and adventure and mystery stories. We will also visit lots of reading targets during this term, such as inference and deduction.


In Maths, for Spring term 1, we focus on our Money and Statistics units.

Then, in Spring 2, we move to our Measures, Length and Perimeter units.


In RE, we cover our Gospel Unit first and what is means to be a 'Fisher of Man'. We invite Kay Orton in to school to help us understand what that looks like today. Children think about how Disciples dropped everything to follow Jesus and help to spread God's word.


In the second half term, we learn about Salvation. Our learning starts by looking at the key events of Holy week and how Jesus' journey during this time changed. We take into account significant days that we celebrate today.



Summer Term:


Groovy Greeks

During this topic, we have a whole focus on the History of The Greeks. We start by thinking about where this period of time fits on a timeline, comparing this to The Stone Age and The Mayan periods of time. We will also learn about Ancient Greek life, as well as their belief system, Gods and Goddesses, The Olympic Games, democracy and myths and legends (this will link to our Literacy work). The children learn how we are influenced by many traditions the Greeks put into place.


In Science we explore Light first. The children will explore a variety of light sources and begin to think about what Light is.  We then move on to Forces and Magnets looking at key vocabulary such as attract, repel and force.


In Maths, for Summer term 1, children cover Mass and Capacity and Shape learning, again, reviewing and recapping all the time.

In Summer 2, we complete the year with Shape, Angles and Time.


In RE, we enjoy our Kingdom of God Unit from The Big Story and what happened after Jesus' death.  Children learn about Pentecost and how God gave the Disciples a gift so that they could continue to spread God's word.


Finally, as part of our learning we look at and explore why people pray. Children find out about differing religions and what prayer means to them. To conclude the year, we celebrate Hinduism and look at how their Creation Story has similarities and differences to that of The Christian Creation story.


The year is jam packed full of learning and exciting opportunities. We look forward to sharing this with you.


Miss Dreher, Miss Boyle and Miss Brown

Vivaldi Class Geography Fieldwork - Local Town Walk 2024/2025

Vivaldi class enjoyed a walk around their local town. The children have been learning about what their town has to offer and went on a class walk to spot the facilities Bedworth has to offer.

Commando Joes - Autumn term 2024/2025

Year 3 have been learning about teamwork, communication and leadership through Commando Joes. We have learnt about explorer Ed Stafford and have completed challenges linked to our topic of the Amazon Rainforest. 

Design Technology - Seasonal Foods Unit 2023/2024

In year 3, children research a variety of fruit and vegetables. They look at why they grow at certain times of the year and also why we import and export some of them.

Here, the children explored 3 different fruits thinking about the taste and texture.

Children washed their hands, used a knife and chopping board to develop their understanding of food safety and food hygiene.

Then, to finish, they enjoyed their own skewers.

Today the children participated in Mission 3. They were tasked with creating a cross over. They were not allowed to fall from the resources - The Amazon River is full of Hazards after all!

Today children enjoyed a dance session with Ricky! Ricky visits us each year and children are always delighted to work with him.

Commando Joes - Mission 1 3SC 2023/2024

Mission 1: ‘Your body is just as important as your mind.’


TASK MISSION: To undertake fitness training in preparation for the mission ahead.


Children recorded their heart rates before participating in an obstacle race. Each team created one for the opposite team. We then checked our heart rates again to see the difference.


Children had to persevere and work together as a team.

3SC Greek Pottery - Art Week 2023/2024

During Art Week, the children looked at the many different types of sculptures that can be found in Bedworth. We focused on a local artist called Stella Carr who designed The Miner in the park. We used learning from other subjects to create our own sculptures.

We learnt the required skills to make a Greek pinch pot.

Science - Light Unit 2023/2024

In our Science unit this half term, we looked at different materials and carried out our own experiments to see if they were transparent, translucent or opaque...take a look.

Year 3 welcomed Portals to the Past into school to help with the introduction of our Ancient Greece topic!

JP, our Greek tour guide for the day, shared exciting stories and some ancient Greek games. In the afternoon, we found our competitive streak, and participated in some Ancient Olympic games!

Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy 2023/2024

In Spring 1, children study an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. Children found out that his art is created using only natural materials found in the environment. We collected our materials and made our own creations, inspired by him.

Take a look...

3SC Literacy: Instructions - Making a jam sandwich 2023/2024

To support our writing, year 3 followed their learning partner's instructions to make a jam sandwich. This will help them to write a set of instructions for the book we are reading, "How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth".

Children are learning how to use imperative verbs, ambitious adjectives and organise their writing so that it makes sense.

Children came into school today dressed in clothes that shared what makes then unique. Look how diverse and amazing we are!

Some children included accessories, some children had pictures of their families and some even shared a special family recipe.

Children in year 3 have been enjoying some outdoor learning! Children attempted tying their own knots to create a picture frame for their nature creations!

We have started our DT unit this week. Children are looking at castles and how they can construct their own. We have started by looking at nets of shapes and how we construct them. We have used the skill of 'scoring' to help the paper to fold.

VR Experience: The Rainforest 3SC 2023/2024

Geography: Walk to our Local Town 3SC 2023/2024


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