The Canons

C.E Primary School

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Our scheme introduces children to France, its culture and people as well as their language. Each chapter includes some “talking points” with background information about French life, culture and traditions. These are stimulated by the films and also the online presentations. “Talking points” are designed to develop pupils’ awareness of similarities and differences between their own lives and those of their French counterparts.


Amongst other things these include:

  • Native-speaker recordings to introduce new words and phrases
  • Film clips - Children are fascinated by the everyday details of French children’s lives as captured on screen
  • Each film focuses on a small amount of new “core vocabulary”. It gives pupils the chance to hear native French speakers using these key words, phrases and questions in a range of contexts.
  • Filmed in the Nord Pas-de-Calais region of northern France; Schools and families in the Béthune area (a former coal-field), the new town of Villeneuve d’Ascq on the outskirts of Lille, the old industrial town of Roubaix, also near Lille, the village of Sars Potteries and the historic market town of Saint Omer A primary school in Béthune.
  • There are no actors; all the people featured are local inhabitants going about their every- day lives. The children who appear in every section of the films are pupils at local primary schools. They are seen in their school environment and out and about in the towns.
  • Beach scenes were filmed in Boulogne and the nearby seaside town of Wimereux.
  • Songs and rhymes - simple songs are included where the new words are set to catchy, sing- along music. The films show French children singing; classes can join in with a karaoke version with music and optional words.
  • Festivals featuring the giants of Nord Pas-de-Calais took place in Cassel and Aire-sur-la-Lys. The children also look at celebrations such as Christmas and Easter as part of the curriculum.


French Day (Y6) - Children discover and experience French food, popular sports and music; including playing petanque and listening to The Carnival of the Animals by Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns.


Arts' Week - linked to the Art focus for the week, children learn about the work of French artists which have included:

* Sculpture: Valerie Gautard

* Illustrators: Albert Uderzo – Asterix

* Sculpture: Auguste Rodin's 'The Thinker'

* Portraits - Henri Matisse's Painting with Scissors.

Children study the artists and their work, including recreating their own interpretations of their pieces.


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