The Canons CE Primary School
English underpins the school curriculum by developing students’ abilities to speak, listen, read and write for a range of purposes, including using language to learn and communicate, to think, explore and organise. Helping students to express themselves clearly, both orally and in writing, enhances and enriches teaching and learning in all subjects.
We recognise that reading, and particularly reading for pleasure, has a direct impact on cognitive and social communicative development. We aim to ensure children enjoy reading and are reading at, or above, the expected level for their age.
Writing, reading and grammatical knowledge make up the triangulation of children’s understanding of language and communication. Children are taught to become readers and writers through a process of immersion, reading, analysing, observing modelling of the process of writing, actively writing, reviewing, editing and redrafting.
We want every child at The Canons to find their voice. Oracy develops pupils' confidence, articulacy and capacity to learn. Providing a high- quality oracy education empowers students, regardless of their background, to find their voice for success in school and in life. Effective communication skills are needed for students to succeed in later life and this is why the teaching of oracy is increasingly prevalent in our school.