The Canons

C.E Primary School

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CONSULTATION ON - Admissions Policies 2024 -2025 and 2025 -2026 - Removal and Interfaith Networks due to Closure April 2024

The Interfaith Network have now confirmed the date of closure of  30th April 2024, and therefore has been removed from the policies below.


Following on from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator please see the amended policies.  Should you have any comments regarding these changes please email by 30 August 2024. This will be the 6 week consultation period.

Parent Guidance for Applying for Secondary School

Appeals Form and Appeal Dates

Main Round Appeals – Primary

(National Offer Day – 17 April 2024)


Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 24 May

Appeals to be heard week commencing 17 June

Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code


Main Round Appeals – Secondary

(National Offer Day – 01 March 2024)


Deadline for appeals to be lodged – 26 April

Appeals to be heard week commencing 20 May

Late appeals will be heard within the statutory timescales published in the School Admission Appeals Code


Proposed In-Year Appeal Hearing Dates – 2024


Tuesday 16 January

Wednesday 21 February

Tuesday 19 March

Wednesday 17 April

Thursday 23 May

Tuesday 18 June

Wednesday 10 July

Wednesday 25 September

Wednesday 16 October

Thursday 14 November

Wednesday 11 December


Where possible all Appeals received by 21 June 2024 will be heard before the start of the new term in September 2024. It may not be possible to hear appeals received after this date prior the start of the new term in September 2024.


Please note no appeals will be heard between 10 July 2024 and 25 September 2024.


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

Faith Evidence Form

Please see the link below for Warwickshire County Council Admissions



View Our awards.
