Year 5 2023/2024
Our 3 classes are:
5VP- Miss Pinfold/ Mrs Leese (Class Teachers)
5JH- Miss Woodford (Class Teacher)
5JC- Mr Charlton (Class Teacher/Deputy Head)
Our Teaching Assistants are:
Mrs Crowder
Miss Skerrit
Miss Semple
Miss Coope
In Year 5, our curriculum areas are diverse and exciting!
During the Autumn term, we start our History and our Ancient Egyptian topic, which will include looking at key people, places and ceremonies that created a significant impact during the time period.
In RE we begin with comparing The Creation Story and The Big Bang Theory. We then move on to learning about Incarnation after half –term.
In Literacy, our work initially focuses mainly on fictional writing. The children will be taught how to use sophisticated vocabulary, manipulate sentence structure and edit their work (amongst other skills) to make writing exciting and engaging. Clips such as Rock, paper, Scissors and a time traveller story help inspire the pupils to write. We also aim to instil a greater writing stamina in our children whilst promoting neat, cursive, consistent handwriting.
In Maths, we primarily focus on arithmetic and formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and Division.
The children knowing their times table facts fluently will help them achieve well on this-apps such as TT Rock Stars will support with this as well as our weekly homework skills.
We will also be learning about the Earth and Space, which will include how the Sun, Moon and planets orbit in relation to each other, and how day and night occurs.
During the Spring Term, our focus turns to Geography with our Rivers and Coasts topics.
Our writing links mostly to one of our class books; There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom. This is a humorous story with excellent morals and life lessons for children. We also study the poem The Highwayman from a multitude of perspectives which the children enjoy.
In Maths, we focus mostly on reviewing fractions, decimals and percentages as well as continuing to refine our number sense and fluency of key mathematical facts.
Scientifically, we study about Forces and have a go at a few experiments whilst considering fair testing.
Gospel and Salvation are our RE units where we learn more about the teaching of Jesus and the events leading to his ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
In our DT project, we design and make our own Bolognese sauce whilst learning about adapting recipes and nutritional values.
In the Summer Term, our Victorian History topic takes off. We learn about key people, events and inventions that played a huge role during this time period. The children have a trip to Blists Hill Victorian village as well as making their own Victorian inventions for our Great Exhibition in school.
Our writing continues to be diverse as we produce our very own detective story and biography of Queen Victoria. The class book of Street Child also provides inspiration for our English work.
In Maths, we look predominantly at shape and measures and position/direction. By this time, we will see a great fluency and accuracy of mental arithmetic and efficiency in mathematical methodology.
In Science, our big topic is changes in animals and humans which incorporates our Puberty unit of work. Children will all learn about key body/emotional changes in both girls and boys during this time.
In RE we ask the question Why do we pray? We also study the Kingdom of God and what is happening for Christians around the world in 2023. We also spend time looking at the Sikh religion as part of our work around other world faiths.
Key skills that are important to Year 5 pupils and how you can support with these.
- Reading- listen to your children read at home as often as you can. Promote reading as an important skill and help with choosing a range of text types to keep motivation high. Ask simple questions about the text and try to enjoy reading time together when you are able to.
- Arithmetic- support the arithmetic homework by encouraging the children to attempt as many questions as possible. This will increase as the year progresses as the homework is purposely repetitive. Try NOT to give answers-the children learn best by having a go independently just like they do in class. TT Rock Stars and basic times table games are fantastic at aiding fluency in number work.
- Becoming independent young people is important. Teaching them the value of packing their own bags, PE kits, equipment etc is very important. In school we promote the same independence, so we know what is achievable for this age group.
- Keep an open dialogue about technology and the positives and negatives around devices such as phones, lap tops, I-pads and games consoles. Check these regularly and encourage the children to report any issues to you quickly.
We hope that you and your children enjoy Year 5. It is a big stepping stone towards their final year in Primary School. All the adults named above are here to help and support your children in school as much as we can. It works really well when school-home-child are all pulling in the same direction. We look forward to meeting you all as the year develops.
Kind Regards,
Your Year 5 Team
5JC Commando Joe's
5JC had a Commando Joe's session in the school hall. The children were put in to small teams.
They all had a discussion first about what the task and what they needed to achieve, groups had limited equipment and a time restraint. Overall, the children were successful in their tasks and we had some great results.
Our visitors from Bede Village
Visit to our Local Library - 5VP
Life In All Its Fullness
Two girls from 5LW have learned to play Silent Night on the keyboard at home. They performed for the class and were amazing!! What a great way to showcase how we 'Live life in all its fullness' here at The Canons!