The Canons

C.E Primary School

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We Need You!

New members are always welcome.

 The Canons PTA  


Who are we?

We are a group of volunteers made up of parents, teachers, staff, and associates of the school. Everybody who wants to make a difference is welcome!


What do we do?

We support our school by raising money to fund extra resources not covered by the schools budget.


The money raised has recently funded :


Year 6 yearbooks and autograph books

IPads and new reading books

Maths support packs

Numicon kits

School trips

How do we do it?

We meet once a term to discuss money raising ideas, and enjoy the odd Costa coffee afternoon.

We then organize and run a program of events throughout the year, with all profits going to our School.


Events include:

School discos

Summer and Christmas Fayres

Bingo and Quiz nights

Fashion shows

Shopping and pamper evenings



As well as providing fun and bringing families together, the events are key to ensuring your children enjoy the best possible school experience.


We need you!


Whether it’s helping to organize an event, manning a stall at the Christmas fayre, or handing out drinks at a school disco. If you cannot spare the time, would you be able to source or donate a raffle prize? Any parents/carers that have a Match Funding Scheme please contact us to see how you may be able to help. This may apply to business owners or people employed by banks and building societies.


It could also be a great addition to your CV!


If you would like to find out more:


  • Check out ‘The Canons PTA Facebook page.


  • Leave your details at the school office and Charlotte our Chair will get in touch.


View Our awards.
