Reception 2023/24
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for accepting your child’s place with us at The Canons C of E Primary School, we are delighted that your child has a place at our school.
In order to get things moving with the transition we have set up a new email address specially for our new intake of children
You will find a ‘Starting School’ booklet on this page which will be a great talking point with your child about their imminent new journey into school life. There is also a leaflet which will give you some ideas of how to start preparing your child and becoming ‘Reception Ready’.
We are keeping up to date with the latest government advice and our normal transition programme may look slightly different this year, however we will be in regular contact with you and any questions or queries please contact us using the email address above.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Kind Regards,
The Reception Team.
RFN Classroom Tour and Transition Booklet
RRD Classroom Tour and Transition Booklet
RCH Classroom Tour and Transition Booklet
Helping to get your child Reception ready
Something to read with your child before they start school
School Uniform
Free School Meals
Apply online at
Families who receive the following are eligible for free school meals:
- income support
- income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
- income-related employment and support allowance (ESA)
- guarantee element of state pension credit
- Universal Credit (with an annual income of less than £7,400)
- Both income-based and contribution-based JSA/ESA if you receive the same amount for both. You should also qualify if you receive both but the income-based amount is greater, but not if the contribution-based amount is greater.
- Families who are awarded Child Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by HMRC, not in excess of £16,190 are also eligible to claim free school meals providing there is no entitlement to Working Tax Credit (unless in respect of a 4-week ‘run-on’).