The Canons

C.E Primary School

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P.E. Department

Welcome to the P.E. Department page. 

PE and Sport.


At the Canons Primary School we endeavor to deliver high quality, progressive teaching in PE, to provide pupils with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups/teams. Our aim is to promote positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to reflect on their performance, plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve the quality of their work. They experience a variety of physical activities such as dance, gymnastics and games at key stage 1 and with the additions of swimming, athletics and OAA at key stage 2. The planning and delivery of each unit of work will ensure that each pupil will have the opportunity to:


• acquire and develop new skills

• select and apply appropriate skills, tactics and compositional ideas

• evaluate their own and others’ performance in order to improve

• gain knowledge and understanding of how PE and sport contributes to staying physically, mentally and emotionally healthy

• experience a range of roles – performer/coach/official/leader

• Planning and delivery will provide opportunities to link with other areas of the curriculum and the school values.


Pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will have a dance day with a dance teacher, each class learning and performing a dance routine to parents/carers.


We offer a wide range of afterschool clubs, across a broad spectrum of age groups, to help children develop their skills in sports such as dodgeball, athletics, cup-stacking and football. Sometimes the clubs are working towards a competition, other times they are for children to experience that activity for the first time.


Our school regularly enters competitions in a variety of sports across both Key Stages to enable the children to experience a competitive environment. We have developed links with schools in the wider communities to further enhance their sporting experiences. Our teams are extremely successful and children always demonstrate the school values when they are representing The Canons.


Sports Ambassadors


In Year 6 our children have the opportunity to become a Sports Ambassador for the year. The successful candidates are involved in the promotion and development of sports in school as well as developing pupil voice and assisting in the running of events such as Sports Day. They assist with KS1 playtimes, ensuring that the younger children play games using the sports equipment, as well as providing a quieter playtime environment for Year 3 and 4 children in the Friendship Hub. During the summer term, Sports Ambassadors are used to provide coaching sessions for the younger children in sports such as tag rugby and football.



Girl Power


A group of Year 6 girls have had the training to deliver the Girl Power programme to a selection of Year 3 and 4 girls. Each week they run activities for the girls to help promote fun, well-being and to develop friendships. They have a journal to help them record their experiences and for them to complete their take home task. The Year 6 girls plan, prepare and deliver the sessions independently in order to develop their leadership skills.

Sports News 2024

Lacrosse Club - January 2025


View Our awards.
