The Canons

C.E Primary School

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Year 6 2023/2024


Our 3 classes are:

6TB- Mr Barnes (Class Teacher/Deputy Head), Mrs Harding (TA)

6JD- Miss Day (Class Teacher), Mrs Leach (TA), Mrs Bath (1:1 TA)

6JH- Miss Haynes (Class Teacher), Mrs Morris (TA)


Autumn 1:

During the Autumn Term, as historians we will be investigating World War 2. Some of the highlights are: The Treaty of Versailles, the Coventry Blitz and evacuation.  The pupils will also study the effect of the Blitz on our local area, in particular the Coventry Cathedral, including a trip to see the Cathedral ruins and reflect on the importance of reconciliation.


We study the artist and designer John Piper’s work (the Baptistry window) and use colour mixing skills to create our own abstract work inspired by this.


We use our book, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll, and our History lessons as a stimulus for our writing lessons.


In RE, we focus on learning about the key concepts of Judaism and consider what it means to be free in our own lives and in relation to the Exodus and refugees.


As mathematicians, our focus is on arithmetic skills, including understanding number and place value and increasing confidence in the four operations, refining our mental and written methods and increasing number fluency.


As scientists, we will be studying light through investigating how light travels and how we see.


Autumn 2:

We will be using our geographical skills to understand why people migrate and to look at how migration patterns in and out of Britain have changed. We will look at a case study of The Empire Windrush and will use this as inspiration for our writing lessons, alongside the book Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah.


In RE, we will be focusing on the Christian topic of Incarnation. The pupils will be exploring the Transfiguration, debating the topic of whether the World needs a Messiah and considering Jesus’ role as Prince of Peace.


As mathematicians, we will be building on our understanding of fractions, learning to multiply and divide them and becoming more confident with converting using common denominators.


In Science, we will be building electrical circuits and investigating how the number of lightbulbs affects the brightness of the light. Using this understanding, we will design and create our own electrical game in Design Technology.


Spring 1:

For the Spring Term, our work is based on Natural Disasters.  Pupils will look in depth at the causes and consequences of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis and begin to understand how destructive our planet can be.


As scientists, the children will learn to classify a range of plants and animals using a classification key.


As artists, the children will study the printer Katsushika Hokusai. They will create their own two colour print inspired by his works including ‘The Great Wave’.


We read Holes by Louis Sachar to inspire writing across a range of genres.


As mathematicians, we will work on knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages and their equivalence, before moving onto the conversion of metric and imperial measures.


In RE, through studying the Alhambra Mosque and Notre Dame Cathedral.

the children will consider the question: ‘Is it better to express the beliefs through art and architecture or charity and generosity?’



Spring 2:

As scientists, the children will learn about how animals have adapted over time, the characteristics and traits that are inherited and how the fossil records inform us about evolution.


As writers, we will use our scientific knowledge to inspire our writing across a range of genres and will read Darwin’s Dragons by Lindsey Galvin.


As geographers, we will compare two regions, California and Warwickshire, studying their physical and human features and processes within the two locations.


Our new RE topic is Salvation.  The pupils will focus on the build up to Easter and more specifically the last week in the life of Jesus.  Starting with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem and finishing with his death and resurrection. They will also consider how religion is expressed through art and architecture in both the Muslim and Christian faiths.

As mathematicians, we will learn about how to calculate area, perimeter and volume, identify properties of shapes and learn to measure, draw and calculate angles in a range of polygons. We also solve problems involving ratio and proportion.


In food technology, the children will plan and cook one element of a three course meal, considering where the ingredients have originated from. They will also taste and review all elements of the meal.


Summer Term:

An important focus is the preparation for KS2 SATs in May.  If possible, SATs are usually followed by our residential trip where the children will get to experience a whole host of exciting activities and have chance to unwind after all of their hard work.


In RE, pupils will look at the fundamentals of Humanism whilst making comparisons between world faiths.  We also focus on what difference it makes to believe in Ahimsa, Grace and Ummah.


As historians, we turn our minds to the Tudors.  The main focus is the legacy of Henry VIII.  For example, The Reformation and his establishment of the Church of England. It also includes a study of a Shakespeare play, culminating in our end of year performance.


As artists, we study and interpret the painting of Hans Holbein.  Using the media of clay, we make a clay slab pot structure.


As textile designers, we design and make a cushion with a particular focus on aesthetics and functionality.


As scientists, we focus our study on the human circulatory system.  


As mathematicians, our focus will on interpreting a range of statistical data and solving algebraic problems. 


Thank you,

Year 6 staff

Veteran's Tea Party - Year 6


View Our awards.
