The Canons

C.E Primary School

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Year 1 2024/2025

Welcome to Year 1!


Our Year 1 classes are:


Picasso - Miss McCracken (teacher), Mrs Hayward (TA), Miss Barnes (1:1 TA), Miss Taylor (1:1 TA)

Monet - Miss Walker (teacher), Miss O'Toole (TA), Mrs Carberry and Mrs Wager (1:1 TAs)

Da Vinci – Miss Walker (teacher), Mrs Cuttiford (TA)



Please see below what we have been up to so far this year!

This week, we started our new topic - 'Wonderful Weather'. We kick started the term off with some science learning about the seasons and the weather. We then made suncatchers, watercolour umbrellas, bonfires using twigs and leaves, and a snowy painting.

Remembrance Day

We learnt about Remembrance Day and why it is significant for our town, Bedworth. We then created a range of poppy artwork.

DT - Making Smoothies

This week, we learnt about different fruits and vegetables, and where they grow. We tasted different smoothies and then we created our own, including designing our own smoothie packaging.

In geography, we learnt about human features and physical features in Bedworth. Then we carried out some fieldwork, taking rubbings of the different human and physical features around our school grounds.

Please see some examples of Year 1 activities last year (2023-24):

We have had fun carrying out missions to build upon skills such as our teamwork, resilience, respect, empathy and communication.

We have enjoyed outdoor learning during Spring 2. We went on scavenger hunts using our magnet eyes to search for items exploring the world around us. We carried out activities such as building picture frames using sticks and ropes, creating faces using natural resources, making maps and building fires.

We loved our trip to The Mayor's Cafe in Bedworth park. We learnt all about the plants that they grow there to consolidate our learning on plants and we really enjoyed smelling all the different herbs - the lemon balm smelt delicious!

Our Teddy Bear's Picnic

We enjoyed our own teddy bear's picnic. We ate some food, played some games and had lots of fun! Not only that, the bears all behaved beautifully. This was a lovely way to round up our Geography learning all about London and our English learning on Paddington Bear of course!


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