The Canons

C.E Primary School

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Fresh Start

Read Write Inc. Fresh Start

Fresh Start is a structured literacy programme, rooted in phonics, for pupils in the later years of primary school, or the beginning of Secondary school, who are reading below age-related expectations, or who are new to English.


Fresh Start pupils are taught to:

• understand the English alphabetic code in three sets of Speed Sounds lessons

• use simple mnemonics to help them read and write the letter-sound correspondences quickly

• review Speed Sounds daily, until they can read them effortlessly

• read and spell words containing the sounds they know

• read high frequency words that are not phonically regular

• read engaging, age-appropriate Modules, closely matched to their increasing phonic knowledge

• read each Module three times, focusing on: accuracy, fluency and comprehension

• practice spelling, vocabulary and grammar, linked to the Modules they read

• build and rehearse sentences out loud, until they are confident enough to write independently.


Fresh Start Anthologies provide pupils with additional age-appropriate reading material, to allow them to practice what they have learnt


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