Warwickshire Police - Operation Snap (Updated February 2020)
For the attention of all Parents / Guardians
Back in October 2019, we introduced you all to ‘Operation Snap’ which was set up to help reduce demand for frontline Policing. We’re aware that the situation regarding parking is a bone of contention for all those affected, either picking up a student, leaving the immediate vicinity or local residents accessing or exiting their own homes. We are also aware that with the presence of marked Police vehicles and uniformed officers, the matters seems to resolve itself for the period of time we are there.
Members of the public can still, via a secure online form, submit digital footage showing potential traffic offences. It has many other uses, but can utilised for unsafe and illegal parking near to schools. Fines can then be directly issued from this.
The secure forms can be accessed on the following link:
Since the introduction, we can now confirm we have had just under 500 reports resulting in warning letters, fines and reporting for the offences for Bedworth.
Whilst this is a very good start, we want to keep pushing this to the front of your minds.
We are aware that the parking facilities are not ideal around some of the schools, however this is not a reasonable excuse and will not be mitigating reason for exclusion.
Your children’s safety is paramount to us, as it should be to yourselves.
Please be considerate to road users and pedestrians around the school especially during dropping off and picking up times.
Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers are still issuing tickets for those causing unnecessary obstruction of the highway.
All students and staff deserve the opportunity to leave the school safely and get home uninjured.
If you have any further issues, or something you would like to discuss further, then please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team by accessing the team e-mail address on the Warwickshire Police website.
Kind regards,
Warwickshire Police